Searched the internet quite a lot, but then found the correct solution.
You will have to go into the registry-editor and make there some changes.
1. Go to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib and check there in the subfolders, if your language is existing. There seems to be a strange calculation for the LCID.
Take the usual LCID, trim it to the last three digits and then replace the first with 0 and you have the folder-name.
E.g. German (Germany) = LCID 0407 ... trim to the last three digits = 407 ... then replace the first one with 0 = 007. That means, for Germany/German you will need to have a folder called 007 there.
E.g. English (US) = LCID 0409 = 409 = 009 folder-name
Find a list of LCIDs here:
2. If your language folder is there, then go into it and you will need to have two keys in there: Counter and Help.
Just in case you don´t, then create them as multiline strings and copy the values from the 009 folder keys in there.
I also had one case, where I had to set the 'counter' and 'help' keys into every language folder.
3. Then go into both keys and check the last entry value. Usually both seem to incremental. In my case Counter had 2178 and Help 2179.
4. Write down the values and go into the root folder and place those values as a decimal value into the keys Last Counter and Last Help.
This change made it work in my case.
I just want to tell you how much this help me. I followed your instruction and it fixed my problem. Thanks very much!