Das Einrichten einer Verzeichnis Suche ist teilweise mit ein paar Hindernissen verbunden. Folgendes sollte beachtet werden, damit es funktioniert:
1. Zuerst auf dem Server ein Verzeichnis erstellen.
2. Anschliessend dort als Share und Security den User mit Read Permission ausstatten, welcher auch im Sharepoint die nötigen Berechtigungen hat.
3. Anschliessend durch mappen des Verzeichnisses mit dem gewählten User testen, ob man direkt Zugriff hat. Wenn nicht, dann stimmen die Berechtigungen nicht.
4. Sollte alles funktionieren, dann diese Server-adresse, welche man zum Mappen benutzt hat in den Crawler in Sharepoint eingeben.
Setting um the file-share-search does have some obsticles sometimes. You should consider the following steps, to make it work:
1. Create a directory on the server.
2. Then set the user (is supposed to be your SP user) you want to have access to as a share and give him in the security tab the read-permissions.
3. Try to map the directory with the user credentials that your Sharepoint would use. If the mapping works, then sharepoint should be able to get to this directory as well. If it did not work, your permissions are not set correctly.
4. Enter the address you used for mapping into the crawler in Sharepoint.
Donnerstag, 29. April 2010
Sharepoint 2010 Crawler
Wenn man beim Einrichten eines Crawlers den Eindruck hat, dass er nicht die komplette Webseite gecrawled hat, dann liegt das vielleicht daran, dass man die Crawl Rule für "Crawl complex URLs (URLs that contain a question mark - ?)" vergessen hat. Hierzu einfach neue Crawl Rule erstellen und als Pfad http://* eingeben. Somit werden auch URLs mit einem Fragezeichen gecrawled.
While setting up a crawler, if you have the impression, that not the complete website has been crawled, then the reason might be, that you have forgotten to set the crawl-rule for "Crawl complex URLs (URLs that contain a question mark - ?)". There for setup a new crawl rule and use the path http://*. Now also URLs with a question mark will be crawled.
While setting up a crawler, if you have the impression, that not the complete website has been crawled, then the reason might be, that you have forgotten to set the crawl-rule for "Crawl complex URLs (URLs that contain a question mark - ?)". There for setup a new crawl rule and use the path http://*. Now also URLs with a question mark will be crawled.
Mittwoch, 28. April 2010
Probleme beim local-sites search in Sharepoint - Issues with local-sites search
Wenn es Probleme beim Crawlen der local-site gibt. Folgendes hat mir geholfen.
If you are experiencing problems with the local-site search. This one helped me.
Meine Fehlermeldung im crawling-log war/my error in the crawling-log was:
Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access to this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository. If the repository being crawled is a SharePoint repository, verify that the account you are using has "Full Read" permissions on the SharePoint Web Application being crawled. (The item was deleted because it was either not found or the crawler was denied access to it.)
If you are experiencing problems with the local-site search. This one helped me.
Meine Fehlermeldung im crawling-log war/my error in the crawling-log was:
Access is denied. Verify that either the Default Content Access Account has access to this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository. If the repository being crawled is a SharePoint repository, verify that the account you are using has "Full Read" permissions on the SharePoint Web Application being crawled. (The item was deleted because it was either not found or the crawler was denied access to it.)
Can't deploy feature - Feature kann nicht deployed werden
Man muss beim deployen aufpassen. In SP 2010 muss man Siteowner sein, wenn man Features deployen will. Siteadmin reicht da nicht aus.
You have to take care when deploying. In SP 2010 you need to be site-owner, when you want to deploy features. Site-admin is not enough.
You have to take care when deploying. In SP 2010 you need to be site-owner, when you want to deploy features. Site-admin is not enough.
Mittwoch, 21. April 2010
Domänenwechsel Sharepoint - switch domain in Sharepoint
Wenn man einen Domänenwechsel einer Sharepointinstanz vornehmen will, dann muss man den Sharepoint neu installieren, da der Service-Account häufig nicht genug Rechte hat um die nötigen Services zu starten.
Backup DB, deinstallieren des Sharepoint, Neuinstallation DB wieder anhängen.
When you want to switch the domain of your sharepoint instance, then you will have to reinstall Sharepoint, because usually the service-account does not have the necessary rights to start certain services.
Backup the db, deinstall sharepoint, re-install and hook up with the db.
Backup DB, deinstallieren des Sharepoint, Neuinstallation DB wieder anhängen.
When you want to switch the domain of your sharepoint instance, then you will have to reinstall Sharepoint, because usually the service-account does not have the necessary rights to start certain services.
Backup the db, deinstall sharepoint, re-install and hook up with the db.
Montag, 19. April 2010
ERROR: The request failed with an empty response - Webservice
Ich habe einen fremden Webservice in mein .NET Projekt integriert. Anschliessend bei dem Response folgenden Fehler erhalten:
ERROR: The request failed with an empty response
Grund hierfür war, dass der Webservice eine falsche Url, besser gesagt keine SSL Verbindung hatte. Somit einfach die Url Eigenschaft meines Webservice Objektes überschrieben und auf die selbe Url gesetzt wie der Webservice und schon hat es funktioniert.
myWebServiceObject.Url = "https://...";
I used a foreign web-service in my .NET Projekt. When handling the response, I got this error-message:
ERROR: The request failed with an empty response
Reason for that was, that the web-service dealed with a wrong URL, in detail, it did not use a SSL connection. Therefore I just overwrote the property of my web-service object and it worked.
myWebServiceObject.Url = "https://...";
ERROR: The request failed with an empty response
Grund hierfür war, dass der Webservice eine falsche Url, besser gesagt keine SSL Verbindung hatte. Somit einfach die Url Eigenschaft meines Webservice Objektes überschrieben und auf die selbe Url gesetzt wie der Webservice und schon hat es funktioniert.
myWebServiceObject.Url = "https://...";
I used a foreign web-service in my .NET Projekt. When handling the response, I got this error-message:
ERROR: The request failed with an empty response
Reason for that was, that the web-service dealed with a wrong URL, in detail, it did not use a SSL connection. Therefore I just overwrote the property of my web-service object and it worked.
myWebServiceObject.Url = "https://...";
Dienstag, 13. April 2010
Cannot save URL for int.js
Nicht alle Sprachvarianten scheinen in der Sharepointinstallation installiert zu sein.
It seems, that there are not all language-packs installed in your current sharepoint-install.
It seems, that there are not all language-packs installed in your current sharepoint-install.
Montag, 12. April 2010
cannot start service SPUserCodeV4
Wenn beim Deployment für Sharepoint 2010 folgender Fehler erscheint: cannot start service SPUserCodeV4, dann muss in den Windows Services der Sharepoint 2010 User Code Host gestartet sein, damit ein Deployment funktioniert.
If you get an error like this: cannot start service SPUserCodeV4, while deploying for Sharepoint 2010, then you need to start the Windows service called Sharepoint 2010 User Code Host. Afterwards the deployment should work.
If you get an error like this: cannot start service SPUserCodeV4, while deploying for Sharepoint 2010, then you need to start the Windows service called Sharepoint 2010 User Code Host. Afterwards the deployment should work.
Mittwoch, 7. April 2010
Sharepoint config file SolutionId
Was genau ist eigentlich bei einer Sharepoint Solutions die Id? Es ist nicht die Guid, welche in der AssemblyInfo.cs steht. Erstelle ein Package und dann gehe in folgendes Verzeichnis: pkg/Debug/[Dein Solutionname]/manifest.xml. Öffne die Datei und Du siehst oben die SolutionId.
What exactly is the solution-id in a Sharepoint solution? It is not the guid that is found in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. Build a package and then go to this folder of your solution: pkg/Debug/[your solution-name]/manifest.xml. Open this file and on top you find the solution-id.
What exactly is the solution-id in a Sharepoint solution? It is not the guid that is found in the AssemblyInfo.cs file. Build a package and then go to this folder of your solution: pkg/Debug/[your solution-name]/manifest.xml. Open this file and on top you find the solution-id.
Setup Tool Sharepoint 2010 Error: SharePoint Server 2010 is not installed
Wenn man seine Controls/Features mit dem Setup Tool installiert, dort dann bei der Installation den oben genannten Error erhält, dann liegt das daran, dass im setup.exe.config File ein Eintrag nachgebessert werden muss. Es steht vermutlich drin, muss aber von Server auf Foundation geändert werden, also so aussehen: . Installation nochmals starten und es müsste funktionieren.
If you are installing your controls/features with the Sharepoint setup tool, then it can happen that you receive the above mentioned error. The error is caused, because the setup.exe.config has a false entry. It seem you have the following node in your config file . You need to change that from server to foundation, that means your node has to look like that: . Restart your installation and it should work.
If you are installing your controls/features with the Sharepoint setup tool, then it can happen that you receive the above mentioned error. The error is caused, because the setup.exe.config has a false entry. It seem you have the following node in your config file
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